Virgin Hair Explained: A Guide To Virgin Hair

Does 100% Virgin Hair Really Exist

What is Virgin Hair?

virgin hair

Virgin hair is simply hair from a living individual donor that has not been chemically processed, permed, colored or dyed. It’s the closest possible hair from the original donor. Quite simply, it is the exact hair that was on the donors head prior to harvesting. Quality virgin hair will normally be soft and feel 100% natural to the touch. In regards to texture, virgin hair is often straight. There are some high pressure heating methods that are sometimes used to add a curl or alter the texture of virgin hair.  Virgin hair can last up to 18 months when properly maintained. The primary factor to consider is whether the hair has been through any chemical process whatsoever. (even prior to the hair being removed from the donor)

All true virgin hair can also be called Virgin Remy (Remi) hair. But all Remy hair is not considered to be virgin hair!”

What is Virgin Remy Hair?

Remy hair is a term that refers to the way the hair is collected from the donor but also how it is treated afterward. When the hair is collected, it is often tied in a ponytail and then removed. When done correctly, the cuticle will remain intact.  The cuticle is the outermost, water resistant layer of the hair and serves to protect the hair. Cuticles cannot be seen with the naked eye and are often destroyed from chemical processing or excessive brushing. 

When looking for fine quality Remy hair, be sure to check that all of the hair is of the same length and flows in the same direction. High quality Remy hair should be soft to the touch, tangle free and silky. This type of hair is of the highest quality and is considered Virgin Remy Hair.

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What is Remy Hair?

Remy hair that is not considered virgin hair, is still 100% real human hair but it has been processed after being harvested from the donor. The hair can still be of high quality but it has been through a processing stage to provide color or enhance the texture or curls. Although chemical processing can impact the hair quality, gentle processing can still allow for up to 12 months of tangle free hair when treated properly. Again, the best Remy hair is 100% natural and free from processing but this is not the determining factor in whether hair can be considered “Remy”. 

“100% human hair that has been chemically processed can still be called Remy hair if it has the right characteristics, but it can no longer be classified as virgin hair.”

Virgin HairOftentimes, you will see hair for sale that is being called “virgin hair” but is curly, wavy or clearly dyed. This is meant to deceive unknowing consumers into believing that they are purchasing is real virgin hair. What they are actually purchasing is Non-Remy Hair.

What is Non-Remy Hair?

Non-Remy Hair or synthetic hair is the most common human hair on the market. Although Non-remy hair may look appealing, the hair is considered to be “fallen hair” because it is normally gathered from multiple sources. The hair is then processed in an acid bath which strips away the protective cuticle layer. In order to bring back some of the smooth, shiny feeling and appearance, the hair is dipped into a silicone coating. This restoration of the hair gives it a more healthy, but shiny appearance. Non-Remy hair can last from 3-6 months and is often passed off as Remy hair or even Virgin Remy hair. After several washings, the silicone coating wears off and the hair begins to tangle and get dry.