Aliexpress Hair Review: Ali Moda Hair

Aliexpress Hair Review_9_AliModa

Hi guys. Here's another Aliexpress hair review for you guys today. It is from a company on Aliexpress known as Ali Moda Hair. 

Ali Moda Hair is really, really, really nice. It's like a beach wave look. Oh the closure is 18 inch, I believe. It's such a pretty curl pattern. It's such a loose curl pattern. It curls so well. I had curl wands in about a day ago.  Let me just go into all aspects about the hair. Like I said it curls very easily. It's very full for three bundles. I was surprised it's very, very full.

"The pattern is great. It's true to length. It's 20 inches all the way down the hair."

-Rika Adorn

The length is nice and it comes all the way down 20 inches. Which is if I pull it, it comes down to my belly button. I'm 5' 4" which is great. My biggest con with this hair is it sheds more than I would like. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with me cutting the wefts, which could be a reason for that to happen as well because I did cut more wefts than I usually do. I usually don't cut the wefts on my hair.

PRICE4 out of 5 stars
LUSTER & SOFTNESS4 out of 5 stars
BUNDLE DENSITY3.5 out of 5 stars
SHEDDING & TANGLING2.7 out of 5 stars
LONGEVITY3.5 out of 5 stars
HEAT RESISTANCE3 out of 5 stars
SHIPPING4 out of 5 stars
 - Prices under $40/bundle -

"I went to the club with this hair. It was a really hot club. I did not receive any kind of matting in the back of my neck or anything, which is great."

An overall summary, the hair is great. The pattern is great. It's true to length. It's 20 inches all the way down to the hair. The hair is thick, it holds curl patterns well. It holds curls well. It doesn't mat or anything like that, but it does shed quite a lot. It snags a bit throughout the day if you try to put your hands through it. It's nothing too crazy, nothing too crazy at all.

> Click here to see the most recent price for Ali Moda Hair <

Yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed this review.