Aliexpress Hair Review: UNice Hair

Aliexpress Hair Review: UNice Hair

Today, I am doing another hair review. You guys already know what type of hair I am reviewing. The only hair that I wear, UNice Hair. This is the Indian Body Wave, I want to say. I have four bundles of 14, 16, 18 and 20. I definitely went shorter this time because y'all know I usually go long. Go long or go home. Okay?

"I wouldn't constantly work with a brand if I just didn't feel like that brand was amazing."

I don't have a closure. I don't have a frontal.  A lot of people been saying ... I've been getting lot of comments saying, "What frontal?" I'm just like "what frontal, okay?" I always, always, always have leave outs. Alexis, you guys know if you've been following me for a while, that she does my sew-in. I don't leave any of my edges out. They just typically come out because they're baby hairs.

"I tried another hair (company) after that, and the hair was shedding like crazy. I was just like, "Yeah. All right. I got to go back to my UNice Hair."

Let me tell you guys what's happened. You guys know I typically only review Unice Hair. I stopped reviewing Unice Hair for a second, just to try out some other hair. I tried out one of the best companies in the world so to speak, and I did not like the hair. It tangled. It shed like crazy. I tried another hair after that, and the hair was shedding like crazy. I was just like, "Yeah. All right. I got to go back to my Unice Hair." Unice Hair never lets me down. I am back with Unice Hair you guys. Okay.

PRICE4 out of 5 stars
LUSTER & SOFTNESS3.5 out of 5 stars
BUNDLE DENSITY4.5 out of 5 stars
SHEDDING & TANGLING3.5 out of 5 stars
LONGEVITY3 out of 5 stars
HEAT RESISTANCE4 out of 5 stars
SHIPPING4 out of 5 stars
"I really do like the fact that this hair doesn't shed like crazy. Tangling, does not tangle whatsoever, you guys. What-so-ever, okay? That is amazing."

I wouldn't tell you guys to get a product that isn't good. I wouldn't constantly work with a brand if I just didn't feel like that brand was amazing. I really do think that UNice Hair is amazing.

I haven't had any problems with this hair. No shedding. Well, shedding, I'm not saying no shedding, because every hair sheds. But this doesn't shed like some of the hair that I've worn in the past. I really do like the fact that this hair doesn't shed like crazy. Tangling, does not tangle whatsoever, you guys. What-so-ever, okay? That is amazing. The ends were really good. No split ends. I did not have a problem with this hair.

What else? I really don't have anything to say about this hair. Nope. I don't. I don't. So yeah, if you guys do want to purchase this hair, all the information will be in the description box down below for you guys. Thank you guys so much for watching. I'll see you guys in my next video. Bye guys.

Click here to see the lowest price for UNice Hair >>