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Category Archives for "Virgin Hair"

Aliexpress Hair Review: Nadula Hair

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Nadula Virgin Hair delivers luxurious bounce with gorgeous wave patterns at reasonable prices. It doesn't feel right to call Nadula Hair, cheap because the quality of these bundles is nothing short of amazing.

"Overall this hair is super, super soft. So far this is probably one of the most natural curly hair extensions that I've ever worn before.."

 - Kay & Kosh

So far everything has been great with the hair. I have not cut this hair or anything. This is a 14 inch closure, a 16, 18 and 20.  I actually only used two bundles and a closure. I didn't even need the third bundle. Even if you don't use the third bundle you'll still have hair left over, for me at least.  When I got the hair it did come Priority Mail. It came USPS, the shipping was pretty fast.

PRICE4 out of 5 stars
LUSTER & SOFTNESS4 out of 5 stars
BUNDLE DENSITY3.5 out of 5 stars
SHEDDING & TANGLING3 out of 5 stars
LONGEVITY3 out of 5 stars
HEAT RESISTANCE3.5 out of 5 stars
SHIPPING5 out of 5 stars
 - Prices start at under $40/bundle -

They ended up shipping it the same day that I ordered it, I believe or maybe the next day. It came two days later, I think from California.  All of the bundles are individually wrapped.  Then the closure came inside of a bigger envelope. Wrapped around the bundles it says unprocessed, human virgin hair, 100% virgin hair on a little slip. Just like all of the other hair that I wear, I made this hair into a unit. So far I've been loving it. I haven't had any problems. One thing I do have to say is initially when I did first get the hair, it smelled.

"I haven't had tangling issues, but I have had a little bit of shedding."

The shampoo and conditioner that I use is the Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Soap in tea tree.  Also the Shea Moisture Curl and Shine Conditioner in Coconut and Hibiscus. This is what I use on my natural hair. I just love this on curly extensions because it really defines the curls. I also use a Denman brush when I do it because when you have curly hair you really want to make sure that the hair is defined. 

Like I was saying, I'm not sure if the shedding is just with the install because I know sometimes when I install hair it will shed a little bit just from sewing it and maneuvering with the hair. It is also curly hair, so shedding is pretty normal. Overall this hair is super, super soft. So far this is probably one of the most natural curly hair extensions that I've ever worn before.

They're really, really, really soft. This hair is super duper soft. 

Click here to see the most recent price for Nadula Hair >>


Aliexpress Hair Review: Peerless Hair

Hey ladies, I hope all is well. Today I'll be sharing with you guys how I'm going to be styling my Peerless straight hair. I have to let you guys know how much I'm in love with this hair. A lot of you already have rocked this hair and you let me know that I was going to love it. I really, really do. A lot of you guys really wanted me to get this video up because you're interested in purchasing from this hair company.

Let me give you a little background. I have two 28's, two 26 and this is Peruvian straight hair from Peerless hair. This is an Aliexpress hair company. I'm so in love with this because it does not shed. It doesn't nape up at the back of my neck and this hair is so freaking full for some straight hair. I got four bundles and a closure. I honestly think you can get away with three bundles and a closure but it's just what you prefer when it comes to straight hair. I'm just so in love with the fact that it doesn't look Barbie-like.

"I have to let you guys know how much I'm in love with this hair."

PRICE3 out of 5 stars
LUSTER & SOFTNESS3.5 out of 5 stars
BUNDLE DENSITY4.5 out of 5 stars
SHEDDING & TANGLING4 out of 5 stars
LONGEVITY3.5 out of 5 stars
HEAT RESISTANCE4 out of 5 stars
SHIPPING4 out of 5 stars
 - Prices below $40/bundle -
"It looks really natural. It blends in really good with my actual hair"

Hey, my babies. As you can see I straightened and I cut some layers into this hair. This is my first time doing that ever since I actually installed this hair. 10 out of a 10 definitely because how full this hair is and it doesn't nape up at the back of my neck, how long this hair is and how straight this hair is. It doesn't give you that Barbie feel. It looks really natural. It blends in really good with my actual hair and plus the closure.

The closure is doing great. Everything is doing great. What you need to know about straight hair, it doesn't hold a curl for a long time. If you're looking for something that holds a curl you need go with body wave or deep wave or loose wave, anything that already has a wave in it, it will keep the curl in the hair longer. Straight hair is just meant to be straight so your curls definitely will fall. What else could I tell you guys? If you guys are still cutting your wefts you need to go ahead and stop that now. You need to start overlapping your wefts because beautiful hair like this, you don't want it to be shedding everywhere.

That is what happens with you cut your wefts. When you cut your wefts your messing with the shit that is threaded up and keeping that hair onto that weft. Once you snip it you're messing up all of that up there and you're just causing it to shed. Whether you get your hair done by a stylist or if it's you doing your hair you need to know, do not cut the wefts anymore. Your hair will last longer when you take the insulation out. You know what lengths you're working with, you know what is your top bundle, you know what's your bottom bundle and you don't have just small itty, bitty track pieces all over the place.

"The hair is very, very silky and soft. It's so soft. It's been soft since the minute I took it out the package."

Trust me, I used to be that girl that used to cut my wefts but I stopped that a long ass time ago because I just started noticing like, "Yo, this hair didn't shed when I first got it so why is it shedding now that it's installed into my head?" Just be aware of that. Also, I have to let you guys know if you're dealing with any hair that you have currently that is dry, brittle or is just not giving you life you need to go ahead and put this conditioner in there for 35 minutes girlfriend. Whether it's your hair or a weave put this conditioner in there. This is Garnier Whole Blends hair conditioner. This will leave your hair super freaking soft. This is my Holy Grail. I live for this stuff, amazing.

"If you do right by your weaves, literally your weaves will last up to a year."

You're spending close to almost $400 on weaves I'm sure so you need to make sure you're getting longevity out of this situation, out of your weaves and you don't need to continue buying. If you do right by your weaves, literally your weaves will last up to a year. What else can I tell you guys?

Brush your hair. Brush your hair, wrap your hair at night, store your hair in a good place. Amazing girl. This is what I'm telling you, Peerless. Where were your asses at when I was struggling with my last weave? Peerless. Anyway, don't forget the thumbs up, comment, subscribe, share this video. Thank you so much for watching my crazy ass.

Watch The Full Review


Aliexpress Hair Review: Beauty Forever Hair

Beauty Forever Hair offers high quality hair for low prices without the smell, tangling and shedding that many Aliexpress hair vendors have.   This hair company sources unprocessed virgin hair at premium quality.  Beauty Forever is one of the best Aliexpress hair vendors available. Their hair blends perfectly with most hair textures and maintains a soft, natural feel that is easy to comb through. Takes heat and dye well and maintains great curl pattern for a long time. Shipping is super fast and even comes with really cute packaging.

"I absolutely love this hair. Still no shedding. The luster is still bomb. This hair has proven to be pretty good. Absolutely no complaints."

PRICE3 out of 5 stars
LUSTER & SOFTNESS3.5 out of 5 stars
BUNDLE DENSITY4.5 out of 5 stars
SHEDDING & TANGLING4 out of 5 stars
LONGEVITY3.5 out of 5 stars
HEAT RESISTANCE4 out of 5 stars
SHIPPING4 out of 5 stars
 - Prices from $40/bundle -

If you guys saw my last review of the Beauty Forever hair, it was a Peruvian hair, Peruvian body wave and I straightened it and I wand curled it. I absolutely love this hair. Still no shedding. The luster is still bomb. This hair has proven to be pretty good. Absolutely no complaints. I just wanted to give you guys a review on how this hair turned out so so far, so good. I made this hair into a wig so I was able to throw it on and off in the Dominican Republic and it worked really well.

I didn't have to worry about any humidity which was amazing. I sprayed some Garnier hold on it and it kept the curls in place and so far, so good. This is an 18, two 22's, and two 24's and it's still really long. Yeah, so in love with this hair. Really satisfied and definitely will be reviewing more from them. I was sent some Malaysian hair in two 20's, two 24's, and a 18 inch closure. Definitely my favorite so far. I will definitely be showing you guys what else I've been sent by different hair companies and you guys can decide for yourself what you're more interested in.

Follow them, peep them, check them out on Instagram. I hope this new year is going great for you. I hope you're able to accomplish many of the things that you want to accomplish in this year. Stay blessed, stay focused, stay happy, stay healthy. Live your life. You only get one. This is your moment. I hope you liked this video. Like, comment, and subscribe to my channel. All right y'all. Until next time.

  See Best Prices for Beauty Forever Hair>> 


Aliexpress Hair Review: Ali Julia Hair

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This Aliexpress hair review is for Ali Julia Hair Company They have beautiful quality human hair in all styles and textures. With Brazilian, Peruvian and Malaysian Hair for sale, Ali Julia is definitely known for quality hair without breaking the bank.

 I got two 20" inches, an 18" inch and a 16" inch, and I got a 16" inch three part closure. I made a wig out of the hair and I used all four bundles and the closure.

"I really, really love this hair. I have nothing bad to say about the hair."


On the back it suggests that you co-wash the hair so that's what I did. I co-washed the hair and I used this conditioner. (OGX Renewing Argan Oil of Morocco Conditioner)

I'm pretty sure y'all have this seen this before. I used that conditioner to co-wash the hair and it made the hair a lot more softer and a lot better from when it came naturally. Today I have the hair just curly and I also sprayed the hair with water mixed with the conditioner that I use so it could be juicy and big like this.

PRICE3 out of 5 stars
LUSTER & SOFTNESS3.5 out of 5 stars
BUNDLE DENSITY4.5 out of 5 stars
SHEDDING & TANGLING4 out of 5 stars
LONGEVITY3.5 out of 5 stars
HEAT RESISTANCE4 out of 5 stars
SHIPPING4 out of 5 stars
 - Prices start under $30/bundle -
"I was really surprised, it's really true to length and I really like it like this. Another good thing about this hair is that it barely has any shedding."

The hair once it dries, because it's a little damp, it's not super wet but it's a little damp, once it dries it'll get even bigger than this so if you like big hair this is the hair for you. When I first got the hair I would say that it was on the drier side. That's the only con that I have with this hair is that you have to co-wash the hair.

I really agree with everything that the box says to do. Do it and it'll make the hair a lot better. I really, really love this hair. I have nothing bad to say about the hair. 

Click here to see the most recent price for Ali Julia Hair >>

I was a little skeptical when I did first receive the hair that it was going to be too short because when you get curly hair you have to get longer than if it was going to be straight because it's measured by when it is straight. 


Aliexpress Hair Review: Longqi Hair

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Lonqi Hair is a well known and popular hair company on Aliexpress with a wide range of hair types, textures and styles. Offering soft, silky hair that is full bodied and can be dyed or curled.

"I have straightened this hair many times and the ends are still nice and soft looking."

-Olivia Ashrei

The con that I have is that it does have a chemically processed smell which I notice a lot when doing AliExpress reviews is that most of the hair has that smell. It's either a chemical smell or a hair factory smell. I don't like it. I would not say that it's 100 percent virgin hair because it does have that smell like it's been processed. That is my one con about this hair but honestly that's pretty much my only con so far on this hair.

PRICE4 out of 5 stars
LUSTER & SOFTNESS4 out of 5 stars
BUNDLE DENSITY3.5 out of 5 stars
SHEDDING & TANGLING2.7 out of 5 stars
LONGEVITY3.5 out of 5 stars
HEAT RESISTANCE3 out of 5 stars
SHIPPING4 out of 5 stars
 - Prices under $40/bundle -

I will say that it doesn't hold a curl for very long. I wand curled it and by the end of the day they were pretty much almost straight. It did have a bit of a body wave to it but for the most part it had just gone back to being straight. 

There's been no tangling, there's been very minimal shedding, barely anything at all. When I comb it out or use my paddle brush to brush through it there's barely any shedding. My only issue I would say with the hair is that it did have a smell and it still has a smell.

"I've had this hair in for two weeks, I really like it. There's been no tangling, there's been very minimal shedding, barely anything at all."

 Like I said, there's not tangling, there's no shedding. It's very soft. I have straightened this hair many times and the ends are still nice and soft looking. They don't look super dry but so far I've been really having a good experience with this hair. 

Click here to see the most recent price for Longqi Hair >>


Aliexpress Hair Review: UNice Hair

Today, I am doing another hair review. You guys already know what type of hair I am reviewing. The only hair that I wear, UNice Hair. This is the Indian Body Wave, I want to say. I have four bundles of 14, 16, 18 and 20. I definitely went shorter this time because y'all know I usually go long. Go long or go home. Okay?

"I wouldn't constantly work with a brand if I just didn't feel like that brand was amazing."

I don't have a closure. I don't have a frontal.  A lot of people been saying ... I've been getting lot of comments saying, "What frontal?" I'm just like "what frontal, okay?" I always, always, always have leave outs. Alexis, you guys know if you've been following me for a while, that she does my sew-in. I don't leave any of my edges out. They just typically come out because they're baby hairs.

"I tried another hair (company) after that, and the hair was shedding like crazy. I was just like, "Yeah. All right. I got to go back to my UNice Hair."

Let me tell you guys what's happened. You guys know I typically only review Unice Hair. I stopped reviewing Unice Hair for a second, just to try out some other hair. I tried out one of the best companies in the world so to speak, and I did not like the hair. It tangled. It shed like crazy. I tried another hair after that, and the hair was shedding like crazy. I was just like, "Yeah. All right. I got to go back to my Unice Hair." Unice Hair never lets me down. I am back with Unice Hair you guys. Okay.

PRICE4 out of 5 stars
LUSTER & SOFTNESS3.5 out of 5 stars
BUNDLE DENSITY4.5 out of 5 stars
SHEDDING & TANGLING3.5 out of 5 stars
LONGEVITY3 out of 5 stars
HEAT RESISTANCE4 out of 5 stars
SHIPPING4 out of 5 stars
"I really do like the fact that this hair doesn't shed like crazy. Tangling, does not tangle whatsoever, you guys. What-so-ever, okay? That is amazing."

I wouldn't tell you guys to get a product that isn't good. I wouldn't constantly work with a brand if I just didn't feel like that brand was amazing. I really do think that UNice Hair is amazing.

I haven't had any problems with this hair. No shedding. Well, shedding, I'm not saying no shedding, because every hair sheds. But this doesn't shed like some of the hair that I've worn in the past. I really do like the fact that this hair doesn't shed like crazy. Tangling, does not tangle whatsoever, you guys. What-so-ever, okay? That is amazing. The ends were really good. No split ends. I did not have a problem with this hair.

What else? I really don't have anything to say about this hair. Nope. I don't. I don't. So yeah, if you guys do want to purchase this hair, all the information will be in the description box down below for you guys. Thank you guys so much for watching. I'll see you guys in my next video. Bye guys.

Click here to see the lowest price for UNice Hair >>


Aliexpress Hair Review: Ali Moda Hair

Aliexpress Hair Review_9_AliModa

Hi guys. Here's another Aliexpress hair review for you guys today. It is from a company on Aliexpress known as Ali Moda Hair. 

Ali Moda Hair is really, really, really nice. It's like a beach wave look. Oh the closure is 18 inch, I believe. It's such a pretty curl pattern. It's such a loose curl pattern. It curls so well. I had curl wands in about a day ago.  Let me just go into all aspects about the hair. Like I said it curls very easily. It's very full for three bundles. I was surprised it's very, very full.

"The pattern is great. It's true to length. It's 20 inches all the way down the hair."

-Rika Adorn

The length is nice and it comes all the way down 20 inches. Which is if I pull it, it comes down to my belly button. I'm 5' 4" which is great. My biggest con with this hair is it sheds more than I would like. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with me cutting the wefts, which could be a reason for that to happen as well because I did cut more wefts than I usually do. I usually don't cut the wefts on my hair.

PRICE4 out of 5 stars
LUSTER & SOFTNESS4 out of 5 stars
BUNDLE DENSITY3.5 out of 5 stars
SHEDDING & TANGLING2.7 out of 5 stars
LONGEVITY3.5 out of 5 stars
HEAT RESISTANCE3 out of 5 stars
SHIPPING4 out of 5 stars
 - Prices under $40/bundle -

"I went to the club with this hair. It was a really hot club. I did not receive any kind of matting in the back of my neck or anything, which is great."

An overall summary, the hair is great. The pattern is great. It's true to length. It's 20 inches all the way down to the hair. The hair is thick, it holds curl patterns well. It holds curls well. It doesn't mat or anything like that, but it does shed quite a lot. It snags a bit throughout the day if you try to put your hands through it. It's nothing too crazy, nothing too crazy at all.

> Click here to see the most recent price for Ali Moda Hair <

Yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed this review. 


Aliexpress Hair Review: Rosa Beauty Hair

Aliexpress Hair Review_4_RosaBeauty

Rosa Beauty Hair offers buttery soft, gorgeous virgin hair. This Aliexpress hair company has hair that your hands will glide right through like silk. The hair is really bouncy and gorgeous with thick bundles that have absolutely no “corn chip” smell. Rosa Hair is excellent for heat styling and takes to curling wands more easily than many other brands. The hair is lustrous, full and thick with no split ends.

"The texture feels different. I don't believe I've had hair like this yet from Aliexpress so I'm pleasantly surprised."

- Ivy Dear

The box just says Rosa Beauty natural and unprocessed virgin hair. This hair company is from Aliexpress. I'm just going to go ahead and open up the hair. I got three bundles of hair and one frontal. This is the 20 inch bundle. Just from first impressions you guys, this is going to be some really good Aliexpress hair.

PRICE4 out of 5 stars
LUSTER & SOFTNESS4 out of 5 stars
BUNDLE DENSITY3.5 out of 5 stars
SHEDDING & TANGLING3 out of 5 stars
LONGEVITY3 out of 5 stars
HEAT RESISTANCE3.5 out of 5 stars
SHIPPING5 out of 5 stars
 - Prices from $40/bundle -

This hair has a really, really good soft texture. It reminds me of some of the raw great hairs that I've seen before. It just looks really, really pretty you guys. The hair just has a really great bounce and density to it. The texture feels different. I don't believe I've had hair like this yet from Aliexpress so I'm pleasantly surprised. This is your wefting, you get a whole, whole lot in your weft.

"The hair is really dark. I don't think I'm going to have to color it black because it's so dark just on its own. Look at those healthy ends."

 The hair doesn't have any type of smell. You guys, this hair is so bomb. I can't wait to see how it looks after washing it. I kind of don't want to wash it though. I really love the curl, do you guys see? The hair is really dark. I don't think I'm going to have to color it black because it's so dark just on its own. Look at those healthy ends.

The hair looks pretty dark as well and it feels really healthy just like the bundles. It smells really, really good. It has that really nice fresh scent. 


What are the Best Curling Wands for your Virgin Hair?


Every curling wand has a unique set of design features, heat settings and additional accessories. We've gathered a list of the best curling wands so that you can choose a wand that will not damage your virgin hair investment. 

BaBylissPRO Nano Titanium Conicurl Iron

The BaByliss PRO Nano Titanium Conicurl Iron features a Sol-Gel nano titanium and ceramic barrel that tapers from 1 inch to ½ inch for flexible styling. If you have poker straight hair and wish to have beautiful, shiny twisted curls, the single conical shape is great for obtaining this coveted style. The Nano titanium and tapered barrel which is a typical trait of the best curling wands on the market. You have the option to work with small or large sections of your hair depending on the style you prefer. The iron is wider at the base for larger curls, while the barrel is narrow at the top for tighter curls.


Heat Settings

There are 50 heat settings that can produce up to a 450 degree temperature. The heat produced surrounds the entire barrel for ultimate style and function. It’s fast-acting heat once the unit is switched on. Please note that this iron gets extremely hot.

Additional Features

The BaByliss PRO Nano Titanium Conicurl Iron has a turbo heat button to boost the heat temperature immediately. The 8 foot tangle-free cord swivels for easy styling and to prevent kinking or twisting. Be sure to safely store your iron, and never allow the heated barrel to touch your scalp to prevent burns. Keep the barrel approximately one inch from your scalp. Known to be the only quality iron you need, it’s on the more expensive side.

Hey Beauty Curling Iron

Get the smoothest curl & create long-lasting styles with this flipperless curling iron by Hot Tools. The Hey Beauty Curling Iron has a unique tapered barrel from 1 inch to 0.5 inch to create a variety of curls, meeting any of your style preferences, while giving you extremely voluminous curls. The simple digital operation can be used in the salon or at home. Press down on the on/off button for a few seconds to turn on the digital LED screen. You will then press the "+" or "-" button to set the temperature you’d prefer.


Heat Settings

The ceramic technology heats up the iron very quickly with a temperature range from 176-410 degrees. The variable temperature will adapt to different hair types. Salon-standard temperature is 410 degrees at most. The ultimate ceramic tourmaline technology creates the smoothest and shiniest salon finish ever.

Additional Features

The iron has a built-in safety measure. Once the iron is on for 60 minutes, it will turn off automatically, so no worries about leaving home and forgetting to shut off the iron. In addition, a premium heat resistant glove is provided for free to protect from burns. Plus, there’s a bracket to safely place your iron on the counter or table. The 98 inch power cable rotates to prevent twisting.

Remington CI96X1B T|Studio Silk Ceramic

The Remington CI96X1B T|Studio Silk Ceramic iron’s 1 to 1.5 inch conical barrel is infused with silk proteins for optimal smooth movement that results in healthy, long-lasting curl. The barrel is large enough to make big, bouncy curls like a professional. The iron is ready to use in just 30 seconds with 410-degree high heat.

Heat Settings

With a high heat of 410 degrees, you’ll get professional, salon quality results. The iron heats up in less than a minute. The digital screen and temperature lock ensure consistent, all-around heat throughout your use. Never leave home again without shutting off your iron as it has a 60 minute auto shut-off feature.

Additional Features

The Remington CI96X1B T|Studio Silk Ceramic Iron comes with a heat protective glove to prevent burning your fingers. The turbo boost feature allows a burst of heat when activated. To prevent kinking and twisting, the cord swivels for your convenience and ease of use. For peace of mind with your purchase, the iron comes with a limited 4 year warranty.

Hot Tools HTBW1852 Curly-Q

The Hot Tools HTBW1852 Curly-Q features Rheostat (an electrical instrument used to control a current by varying the resistance) control to adjust temperature with fast heat up. The tapered barrel ranges from 1 1/4 -3/4 inches for ultra-smooth, frizz-free surface for easy, effortlessly styling and curling. The smooth, frizz-free result is because of the NanoCeramic surface. It’s a flipperless iron to produce a single wrap curl.


Heat Settings

It has a variable heat setting, so you have the option of less heat should you have fragile or damaged hair. The tip stays cool to prevent burning. The iron provides maximum heat evenly throughout the barrel.

Additional Features

The Hot Tools HTBW1852 Curly-Q features a beauty industry standard handle with a separate on/off switch. The iron’s indicator light with display when the iron is on. The Foldaway safety stand makes for easy and safe storage. As with some of the best wand curlers, this comes with a heat resistant glove included to prevent burning your fingers. The cord is 8 feet long and swivels to prevent tangling, twisting and kinking.

Perfectwo Studio Digital Curling Wand

The Perfectwo Studio Digital Ceramic Curling Wand features ceramic technology for a smooth, salon finish. You control how tight or loose you’d prefer for your curls. The tapered barrel ranges from 1 inch to ½ inch to create a wide variety of curls. There is also an LED digital display to easily read the temperature and increase or decrease if necessary. The one thing that’s a concern is that the curls don’t seem to last as long as with some of the other wands on the market. It’s a good idea to use hairspray to get lasting curls. It also can take some getting used to, so give yourself some time to become comfortable using it.  


Heat Settings

The Perfectwo Studio Digital Ceramic Curling Wand has five different heat settings, and you control the heat setting depending on the fragility of your hair. The lowest heat setting is 350 degrees. There is an automatic 60 minute shut-off for peace of mind. 

Additional Features

The Perfectwo Studio Digital Ceramic Curling Wand comes with a lifetime no-hassle guarantee, so you can feel confident in your purchase. The product also comes with a 3 fingered glove. There is a stand that prevents the heat from touching whichever surface you place it. Consumers have stated that it takes some getting used to. It's one of the more economically priced wands.

Infiniti Pro Curling Wand by Conair 

The Infiniti Pro by Conair Tourmaline Ceramic Curling Wand creates smooth, frizz-free and natural curls. The unique clamp-free conical shaped barrel tapers from 1 inch to ½ inch depending on if you prefer tighter or looser curls without kinks. The tourmaline technology provides even heat distribution for professional, shiny, static-free results and protects your hair from damage. Use wider sections of hair for larger curls or smaller sections for tighter curls. Get professional results at home with this easy, smooth glide barrel without visiting the salon.  


Heat Settings

The Infiniti Pro by Conair Tourmaline Ceramic Curling Wand has four power levels to match your hair's texture and style, so you can customize your style to meet the needs of your hair and your preference. There is an LED display so you know the exact temperature your iron is set. Increase or decrease the heat depending on the texture or damage to your hair. Lower heat settings are best for delicate and damaged or color-treated hair.

The highest power setting heats the curling wand to 400 degrees, which is ideal for ultra-thick, hard-to-curl hair. There is also an automatic shut-off after 60 minutes of use. The highest heat setting can be achieved in only 30 seconds to save you time.

Additional Features

A professional-length cord helps you avoid tangles and awkward positions, and LED indicators make it easy to see the exact power setting you are using. There have been very rare complaints from consumers that the clamp is too tight. It’s a lower priced product that delivers quality results. The Infiniti Pro by Conair Tourmaline Ceramic Curling Wand is backed by a 5-year limited warranty, so you can feel confident in your purchase.

Remington CI9538 T|Studio Salon

The new Remington CI9538 T|Studio Salon pearl ceramic iron makes curling your hair effortless with the 1 to 1 ½ inches professional styling wand. Infused with real pearl, this patent-pending high-tech ceramic provides the more ceramic content on the cone shaped barrel for a stronger, longer-lasting wand. The result is smooth and silky hair with a luminous luster., making this one of the best curling wands available at an affordable price. You have the ability to create loose, wavy curls or small, tight curls that last all day. It’s important to note that learning to use a clampless wand can be challenging.  


Heat Settings

The digital display allows you to note the temperature the wand is set, while being able to increase or decrease the heat. The highest temperature goes up to 410 degrees with a quick 30 second heat up. It has an automatic on/off feature that activates after 60 minutes of use. No more leaving home with the curling iron left on. The high heat makes for beautiful, long lasting curl without frizz. The iron will beep when it reaches your selected temperature, while maintaining even heat distribution throughout due to the temperature lock feature. 

Additional Features

The new Remington CI9538 T|Studio Salon comes with a heat resistant glove to use while curling your hair to prevent burning your fingers. The professional length cord swivels to prevent tangling, kinking or twisting for your convenience. With this wand, you get the highest quality for the least amount of money. The wand comes with a 4 year warranty, so you can feel confident in your purchase. 

Elechomes EB201 Digital Curling Wand

The Elechomes EB201 Digital Ceramic Curling Wand nano ceramic technology provides even heat distribution that penetrates the hair from the inside-out which results in less static and frizz for smooth, shiny curls. The high heat makes for long-lasting, beautiful curls. The conical shaped barrel tapers and thins out towards the end, which allows for looser or tighter curls. Achieve salon quality hair with even heat distribution which prevents hot spots.  


Heat Settings

There is an LED display that monitors the temperature, and you can raise or lower the heat as you see fit. You are able to lock in your preferred temperature to ensure the setting you want to use stays the same, so you remain in control. It rapidly heats up in around 30 seconds to its preset heat of 320 degrees. The highest heat capability is an effective 410 degrees. 

Additional Features

There is an automatic on/off switch that activates after 30 minutes of non-use. The swivel cord can be rotated 360 degrees to prevent tangling and offer easy styling. The dimensions of the product is 3.15 inches by 1.57 inches by 1.57 inches. The high temperature resistant material makes it safe to use and hard to break. The holder of the wand allows for ease of use. With a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, there’s a 12 Month Replacement Warranty, along with a Lifetime Support Guarantee. 

xTava Curling Wand

The xTava Curling Wand is five irons in one. The ceramic tourmaline barrel sizes, clip and clipless, are 0.3 inches to 0.75 inches, 0.75 inches to 0.75 inches, 0.7 inches to 1 inch, 1 inch to 1 inch, and 1.25 inches to 1.25 inches. It’s important to note that there is no cool tip, so be careful not to touch the tip of the barrel. The variety of barrel sizes allow you to get the exact style you prefer, whether it be very tight curls or long and loose curls. The ceramic tourmaline keeps your hair smooth and shiny with long-lasting curls.  


Heat Settings

The rapid-heat technology of the xTava Curling Wand raises the temperature in seconds to 410 degrees, which is preset upon turning it on. The heat stays evenly distributed for the perfect curl every time. 

Additional Features

The xTava Curling Wand is very travel-friendly. Due to the universal dual voltage, it will fit any outlet, even those in foreign countries. The heat resistant thermal bag makes it safe and easy to carry and store. The 8 foot 360 degree swivel cord prevents tangling or twisting for ease of use. xTava will only honor warranties from authorized xTava dealers and only accompanied by proof of purchase. Some resellers through Amazon are not authorized dealers, and this will invalidate the warranty.. 

Nu.Me Classic Wand

The NuMe Classic Wand is tourmaline-infused ceramic in the ¾ inch barrel, and releases negative ions to create a healthy and luminous shine and softness. The 1 inch Classic Wand allows you to create full curls, waves and texture. Perfect on medium length or long hair, the 1 inch is best for adding volume. The Infrared heat technology heats hair from the inside-out to prevent damage. The size of the curls depends on how much hair you wrap around the wand. The resulting curls are shiny and natural looking.  


Heat Settings

Reaching a temperature of 410 degrees in only ten seconds, styling is made simple for any hair type. The number of heat settings is 310. Customers have complained that even with the high heat, the curls did not hold. 

Additional Features

A heat-resistant glove is included for the prevention of burns to your fingers. It’s recommended to spot clean only. Some have complained that the wand was difficult to grasp a section of hair while wearing the heat resistant glove.. 


Brazilian vs Malaysian Hair: Which One Is Better?

Despite the many types of hair available, two of the top choices today are still Brazilian hair and Malaysian hair. But which one should you choose? Here is a quick explanation of these two types of hair that should help you make a better decision.

About Malaysian Hair:

Malaysian hair is collected from the Hindu temples of Malaysia where women give their hair as part of a ceremony that affirms their spiritual commitment. Even though this practice happens annually, it is not as common in Malaysia as in many other countries, such as India. This makes true Malaysian hair extremely rare and the label "Malaysian" is primarily used as a descriptor for hair with a silky texture and medium to high luster. 

About Brazilian Hair:

Brazilian hair donors do not undergo a spiritual ritual when donating their hair. Brazilian hair is generally a term used to describe a look and feel. This hair is often considered a “brand name” for high quality Indian hair that resembles the hair of many native Brazilians. Because the hair is not readily collected for religious purposes, authentic virgin Brazilian hair VERY difficult to come by. 

Brazilian vs Malaysian Straight

FeaturesBrazilian StraightMalaysian Straight
Softness4 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars
Luster4 out of 5 stars4.5 out of 5 stars
Texture3.5 out of 5 stars3.5 out of 5 stars
Heat Resistance4.5 out of 5 stars4.5 out of 5 stars

* Results Based on Independent Review

Brazilian Straight Hair

Brazilian Straight Hair has a very coarse and thick texture.  The hair takes well to heat and styling and is durable in humidity when properly cared for.  The feel of this hair is very silky and straight with beautiful softness and full body. This type of hair is great for making lace  wigs and sew ins.  It is  generally very dark (1B) but may have hints of brown as well. 

Brazilian Natural Straight

Malaysian Straight Hair

Malaysian Straight hair comes in many tones. It can range from light brown to dark brown to nearly black. The texture of virgin Malaysian hair is typically straight but it may also have slight waves at the time it is collected from the original donor.  Malaysian hair blends well with relaxed hair. 

Malaysian Straight Hair
Brazilian vs Malaysian Wavy

FeaturesBrazilian WavyMalaysian Wavy
Softness4 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars
Luster4 out of 5 stars3.5 out of 5 stars
Texture4.5 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars
Heat Resistance4.5 out of 5 stars3.5 out of 5 stars

* Results Based on Independent Review

Brazilian Wavy Hair

Brazilian Wavy Hair is extremely popular and is most often seen in the hair market today. This grade of Brazilian hair has great body and fullness and is wavy and light. This type of hair can come in a variety of natural colors and is highly resistant to the suns rays which is known to cause damage to hair when it is over exposed to extreme sunlight. With a mid to low luster this hair is durable and will hold its’ natural wavy pattern for long periods of time.


Malaysian Wavy Hair

Malaysian wavy hair can be considered heavy or thick when compared with Brazilian hair. It is extremely silky and has a beautiful natural shine. Malaysian hair has a beautiful wave pattern that blends with medium and course textures. The wave pattern tends to hold up well in any condition. Malaysian wavy hair is great for women of African/Afro-Caribbean descent.

malaysian wavy
Brazilian vs Malaysian Curly

FeaturesBrazilian CurlyMalaysian Curly
Softness4 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars
Luster4 out of 5 stars4.5 out of 5 stars
Texture4.5 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars
Heat Resistance5 out of 5 stars4 out of 5 stars

* Results Based on Independent Review

Brazilian Curly Hair

Brazilian Curly Hair resembles the loose curl pattern of mixed race African & Native Brazilians. This group makes up a large part of the Brazilian population and their hair is often referred to as Molado or Mulatto (loosely translated to mean “Curly”). Brazilian curly hair is one of the most sought after and versatile hair choices in the market. It is coarse and heavy and is great if you want thick and bouncy hair that will last for a long time. This form of Brazilian hair is durable while remaining soft and curly. The hair color is usually light brown to black and is naturally sold in a body wave or tightly curled texture.

Brazilian Deep Curly

Malaysian Curly Hair

If you want your Malaysian hair curly, then it is best to purchase bundles that are steam curled. Malaysian Curly hair is thick, coarse and comes with a tight but luxurious curl pattern. Malaysian hair should not be too tightly curled as this is a sign that it may have been unnaturally treated with some curling procedures that may have damaged the hair cuticles. Steam curling allows the hair to achieve a wavy pattern without adding harsh chemicals in order to achieve the look. The curls on Malaysian hair hold very well without the need for additional curling products or holding sprays.


So..Brazilian Hair vs Malaysian Hair? Who Wins?

Well, honestly, it depends on your current hair texture, the look and feel you would like to achieve and how much you are willing to spend. Both Malaysian hair and Brazilian hair have beautiful qualities and are excellent choices when purchased from the right supplier.